Cinder EP - Cover photograph by Camilla Adams
so we come to the end of another year. Christmas is coming and the
goose is getting fat etc! We have had a busy year, The Wolf Chorus and
I. I have just been looking back over this years gigs - our first ever
gig was a year ago, almost to the day. Cleverhead
promoted a weekly event at The Old Firestation and there we stood,
about 7 of us, in the freezing cold and nervously shivered through a few
songs! After spending the entire year rehearsing and gigging, we are
now proud to present our 5 track EP Cinder. Cinder was recorded by Lantern of Voyage Recordings and is the first release to feature The Wolf Chorus. Cinder has received critical acclaim from BBC Introducing Bristol and has already had several plays on the show presented by Sam Bonham and Richard Pitt. Cinder will be available online soon at the Lantern of Voyage shop and will be digitally released early 2012. Lantern of Voyage are also representing Martin Aloysius Brignall whose EP Songs For Broken Throats will be released at the same time as Cinder. Listen to a BBC interview with myself and Martin as we discuss our new releases and the birth of Lantern of Voyage Recordings -
Union Chapel - Photo by Joseph Lee
This December we were lucky enough to perform at Islington's Union Chapel as part of the Daylight Music gigs set up by Ben Eshmade of Arctic Circle. If only all gigs were that spectacular! What an incredible venue, just breathtaking and a very well organised event. The gig also saw sets from the wonderful Josephine Lloyd and Dollboy.
Beautiful song by #hegdoughty (mp3)
Evelyn's Song - Live at Union Chapel
Evelyn's Song - Live at Union Chapel
Union Chapel - Photo by Joseph Lee
We finished the year with a launch party at The Grain Barge, Bristol, to celebrate the new EP and launch Lantern of Voyage Recordings. The night was a great success with Martin Aloysius Brignall playing a fantastic set featuring songs from his new EP. We also had the lovely Lori Campbell performing solo to start the night off. A great night was had by all!

Live at Grain Barge - Heg Doughty & The Wolf Chorus and Martin Aloysius Brignall -
Photos by Camilla Adams
Photos by Camilla Adams
shall leave you with another BBC Radio Bristol clip which will be aired
on daytime radio sometime in the new year. Very excited to see what 2012 has in store! Merry Christmas to all! Heg x
Heg Doughty BBC Radio Bristol feature (mp3)